Our Cause In Africa

People spend their whole lives searching for what is their purpose in life. I found mine on my first trip to Africa in 2011. I never thought in a million years that I would step foot in Africa. However, that reality came true in 2011. During that summer trip for the first time in my life I felt peace. It was like I was were God wanted me to be. While I was there news came to the orphanage were I was volunteering that 75 children were in need. We heard terrible stories about how the kids had 35 boys to one mattress and the 40 girls to two. We also heard how they were adopting children out but then soon finding out the children were being turned into slaves. I was curious how the children got into these positions so I went to Buddua, Africa. When I got there I saw first hand the conditions of the home. The kids hadn't received medical treatment and they would only receive one meal a day. When I arrived the kids were so happy that we brought food. After were looked over the area and we looked at the conditions. We sat down to talk about the mudslides. We were shown pictures of the mudslides covering whole villages. The way the school system works in Uganda, is they send children off to school.
So many of the children were not home at the time of the disaster which left them homeless and orphaned. Till this day their is still over 300 people that are missing from the disaster. The heart break when we hear the story of one of the little girls....and how she called her mother for days only to find out that her mother was buried alive. Once they found her home they found scratch marks trying to get out of the home. Many of the children were devastated many left with no one and is a horrible situation. Several of the children attempted suicide...the stories kept pouring and our tears as well. You know hearing everything I felt as though I had been privileged. I wrote back home to get even more support! However, it was not enough....when I returned back to the US. I started WATCCH Inc which is now a 501 c3 organization. However, we still struggle with getting support. Our goal is to give these kids hope and try to help these kids. We are trying to build a building large enough www.gofundme.com/watcch12 we are also trying get sponsors for the children www.watcch.org