6 Days Til Our Volunteer Group is in Africa

We are super excited to announce that we will be headed to Africa Nov. 6th, 2017. That is in Less than 6 DAYS! We are still in Need of Certain Items! Below are some of the items still needed. We will also be taking monetary donations toward these items because we know the Trip is Monday! We NEED everyone's Help! The last thing we want to happen is not to be able to supply everything need to the Children! We are personally asking for you to Give! Help us Help them!
*Please, help us by clicking on the button below we really need your Support!
1. Battery Chargers
2. Peanut Butter
3. Coloring Books
4. Crayons
5. Children Clothes - Email for Sizes You can also help by simply donating below!
7. Vitamins
8. Mosquitoes Spray
*Items are needed before Nov. 1st. We want to make sure we have room for everything.Thank you, in Advance! Since Nov. 1st is Tomorrow please give a monetary donation.
*Please, click on the link below to Give!