Help Us Jump Start Our Engraved Brick Fundraiser
Super Excited to Announce Our New Brick Fundraiser! This year we announced that we are transforming into a community development organization. Last year in November after the board members went to Uganda, Africa they saw a greater need. Even though they fed over 300 people and provided a brief pop up clinic...and sponsored over 20 kids in school...they noticed the a great need for a medical care. Out of 100 people tested for high blood pressure 80 people had high blood pressure. They also noticed that kids and adults with disabilities do not get properly cared for many left to fend for themselves on the street. There is also a need for a great baby school. This year WE are Dreaming Bigger our goal is to raise over 70,000💸!!! We are hoping to build a school, clinic and a community home...for abandon children and those children suffer from disabilities. We know that nothing is IMPOSSIBLE with out GOD! However, we also know nothing is IMPOSSIBLE with out funding! This vision is so Big but We know Our God Is Bigger!!! We are asking for others to lock arms with with us in this vision. We would like to have raised half the money by JUNE! Help us build....when you support your name will go on our building!!! Click below to give!👇